Pic16F15324 UART and PPS mapping troubles

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Pic16F15324 UART and PPS mapping troubles

#1 Post by axem » 01 Jun 2018 07:51

Hi all,

I am using Pic16F15324 with Internal Clock at 32MHz ( IDE 7.2.0 ).
I did some test at first by doing classic LED Blinking and that works
Next step is to use UART2 or UART1 and many errors occured. PPS and UART_Remappable library are checked

My code :
PPS_Mapping(09, _INPUT, _RX2_DT2); // Sets pin 09 to be Input, and maps EUSART2
PPS_Mapping(10, _OUTPUT, _TX2_CK2); // Sets pin 10 to be Output, and maps EUSART2
UART2_Remappable_Init(9600) ; // Initialization EUSART2 at 9600 Bauds

PPS trouble :
As defined in online Help you have some identifier according setup BUT "_RX2_DT2" and "_TX2_CK2" are "not valid identifier" I tried many identifier and found 1 working "_RX1" or "_RX2" only but not defined into your list !

UART trouble :
1) expected "constant" but "9600" found
2) By freezing my 2 PPS ligne with "//" compiler return "invalid ASM instrction: *BSF"

In attachment 2 screenshots of code and error.
Best regards.
PPS_mapping.jpg (154.17 KiB) Viewed 4100 times
UART.jpg (156.79 KiB) Viewed 4100 times

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Re: Pic16F15324 UART and PPS mapping troubles

#2 Post by janni » 03 Jun 2018 16:49

Unfortunately, quality of libraries and processor definition files drops with every version :( . I wouldn't fight with PPS_Mapping - it's less time-consuming and much more code-effective to assign pins manually, like

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 RX2DTPPS:=0x11;            // Rx2 on RC1 (default)
 RC0PPS:=0x11;              // Tx2 on RC0 (default)
PPS description in processor datasheet is much less likely to have errors then PPS_Mapping.

Error during compilation of UART2_Remappable_Init is due to lack of BAUDCON bits (BRG16, in particular) declaration in processor definition file (P16F15324.pas - may be open in Code Editor with Ctrl-Alt-D combination). Either add the following to this file or place it in your code

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    const ABDEN = 0; register;
    const WUE = 1; register;
    const BRG16 = 3; register;
    const SCKP = 4; register;
    const RCIDL = 6; register;
    const ABDOVF = 7; register;
and compilation should succeed.

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Re: Pic16F15324 UART and PPS mapping troubles

#3 Post by axem » 04 Jun 2018 09:05

hello Janni,

At first thanks that works !
Little question : i checked UART commands (Init, Read, Write) on both release : Classic and Remappable and both are working. Could you say me if one is more indicated for this kind of Pic16F15324?

Thanks again,
Best regards.

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Re: Pic16F15324 UART and PPS mapping troubles

#4 Post by filip.grujcic » 04 Jun 2018 10:26


Thank you for finding this bug and informing us about it. I have reported it to our developers.

Kind regards,
Filip Grujcic

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Re: Pic16F15324 UART and PPS mapping troubles

#5 Post by janni » 04 Jun 2018 12:07

axem wrote:Little question : i checked UART commands (Init, Read, Write) on both release : Classic and Remappable and both are working. Could you say me if one is more indicated for this kind of Pic16F15324?
It makes more sense to use UARTx_Init_Remappable as it does not try to correct pin mapping to default like UARTx_Init (calling internally PPS_Mapping which uses 500 code words). As for other library routines, like Read or Write, they're the same, calling same internal functions. Maybe the library looks more impressive with twice that many functions :roll: but it only disorients users.

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Re: Pic16F15324 UART and PPS mapping troubles

#6 Post by Brussieux » 10 Apr 2020 09:13

Hi MikroE forum team !

sorry to interfere in this mikroPascal for PIC discussion but ... i am experiencing exactly the same kind of problem using the mikroBasic Pro for PIC (last version V7.6) when trying to remap TX pins of my PIC16F15324.

My code:
PPS_Mapping_NoLock(5, _INPUT, _RX1)
PPS_Mapping_NoLock(9, _INPUT, _RX2)
PPS_Mapping_NoLock (6,_OUTPUT,_TX1_CK1)
PPS_Mapping_NoLock (10,_OUTPUT,_TX2_CK2)

PPS and UART_remappable are well selected into the library manager.
The compiler declares an error (Identifier " _TX1_CK1" was not declared ) and _TX2_CK2 neither.

how should i proceed iot get this fixed ?


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Re: Pic16F15324 UART and PPS mapping troubles

#7 Post by janni » 10 Apr 2020 17:20

Brussieux wrote:
10 Apr 2020 09:13
i am experiencing exactly the same kind of problem using the mikroBasic Pro for PIC (last version V7.6) when trying to remap TX pins of my PIC16F15324.
From your code it doesn't look like you're trying to remap - these are all default settings :wink: . Except that you used wrong 'pin numbers' - the 'pin number' that, according to Help, one is supposed to find in datasheet, refers to 'PPS Input Selection' or 'PPS Input register' value, not chip pin number (I know, Help is misleading :( ). For example, pin 5 (RC5) has designated value 0x15 (or _RC5 according to declaration hidden in PPS library). Also, mE developers decided to name the constant corresponding to TXn as _TXnPPS here, not _TXn_CKn.

If you really need to use the PPS library, then the following code should work

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    PPS_Mapping_NoLock(_RC5, _INPUT, _RX1)
    PPS_Mapping_NoLock(_RC1, _INPUT, _RX2)
    PPS_Mapping_NoLock (_RC4,_OUTPUT,_TX1PPS)
    PPS_Mapping_NoLock (_RC0,_OUTPUT,_TX2PPS)
but avoiding the main PPS routine (almost 500 bytes of code) is not that hard

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Note that call to Unlock_IOLOCK() is missing - it's not needed when PPS configuration is performed after reset.

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Re: Pic16F15324 UART and PPS mapping troubles

#8 Post by Brussieux » 13 Apr 2020 10:57

Thank you very much Janni for these brilliant explanations : how did you discover all these tricks ?

i tested them into my code and the remapping variables (pin names) are now well recognized by the compiler. My compilation works well : very good news.

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Re: Pic16F15324 UART and PPS mapping troubles

#9 Post by janni » 13 Apr 2020 12:43

Glad to be of help :) . You're not the first to be mislead by the PPS library explanation in Help.
Brussieux wrote:
13 Apr 2020 10:57
how did you discover all these tricks ?
I'd rather not have to discover them, but mE does not leave us a choice :( . Constants used in PPS library should be declared in processor definition files and thus visible to users. Unfortunately, they are declared in PPS library which is available only in pre-compiled form (beats me why - it's so simple it could be called primitive). In fact, better (and more code-efficient) approach, like I demonstrated in the second example, would be to explicitly declare all needed constants and explain how to use them.

Dimi Island
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Re: Pic16F15324 UART and PPS mapping troubles

#10 Post by Dimi Island » 24 Oct 2023 21:31

Hey guys,
I'm using the same pic16F15324 from this post with MikroC PRO for PIC v.7.6.0 .
I'm using AN5 (RA5) and AN18 (RC2) and for this second ADC I'm using ADACTPPS = 0x12; //RC2->ADC:ADCACT;
I created my own libraries for use:

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#define ACQ_US_DELAY 5  // Topic 20.3 ADC Acquisition Requirements explanation this time fixed.

typedef uint16_t adc_result_t;

// result type of a Double ADC conversion
typedef struct
    adc_result_t adcResult1;
    adc_result_t adcResult2;
} adc_sync_double_result_t;

typedef enum
    channel_TEMPERATURE =  0x5,
    channel_RECEPTOR =  0x12,
    channel_AVSS =  0x3B,
    channel_Temp =  0x3C,
    channel_DAC1 =  0x3D,
    channel_FVR_BUF1 =  0x3E,
    channel_FVR_BUF2 =  0x3F
} adc_channel_t;

void ADC_Init(void)
    ADCON1 = 0xF0; // Right justify; oscillator ADC RC ; Vdd and Vss Vref
    ADACT = 0x00;  // ADACT disabled;
    ADRESL = 0x00;
    ADRESH = 0x00;
    ADCON0 = 0x15; // GOnDONE stop; ADON enabled; CHS ANA5;

uint16_t ADC_Read (adc_channel_t channel)
    ADCON0 |= channel<<2; // bit 2-7, select chan 0-20 using 6bits. Is possible because after define ADON and GonDONE; //ADCON0.CHS = channel;  // select the A/D channel
    ADCON0.ADON = 1;     // Turn on the ADC module
    delay_us(ACQ_US_DELAY); // Acquisition time delay
    ADCON0.GOnDONE = 1;     // Start the conversion
    while (ADCON0.GOnDONE){}     // Wait for the conversion to finish
    return ((uint16_t)((ADRESH << 8) + ADRESL)); // Conversion finished, return the result
Here are my start settings:

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void Config_Mcu(void)
#ifdef P16F15324 // or 23
 OSCILLATOR_Initialize(); // 1Mhz intosc

 TRISA.RA2=0; // led VM
 TRISA.RA3=1; // reed switch
 TRISA.RA4=0; // poower circuit
 TRISA.RA5=1; // an_temperature
 TRISC.RC0=0; // led VD
 TRISC.RC1=0; // free
 TRISC.RC2=1; // an receptor
 TRISC.RC3=0; // bus
 TRISC.RC4=0; // tx
 TRISC.RC5=1; // rx

 ANSELA= 0X20; //00100000 AN5 an
 ANSELC= 0X14; //00010100 RC2 and RC4(TX) in an

WPUA = 0x00;
WPUC = 0x00;

// Modo 0=Push pull, output is in the middle the two mosfet
 ODCONA = 0x00;
 ODCONC = 0x00;

 // Configura o tempo de subida e descida do sinal, importante no TX e RX:
 SLRCONA = 0x37; // 0b0011 0111 (3 não existe no porta)
 SLRCONC = 0x3F; // 0b0011 1111 TX e RX =1 subida e descida é limitada a um tempo( modo rapido)

// Configura niveis de sinal ST (Shimitt Trigger) ou TTL para identificar bordas de subida ou descida,usado para gerar interrupcoes:
INLVLA = 0X00; // 00= todos como TTL // 3F;   // 0011 1111   // todos pinos PORTA configurado como ST (shimitt triger)
INLVLC = 0B00100000; // 0= TTL  1=ST // Pino RX PORTC5 configurado como ST (shimitt triger) para saber melhor quando é 1 ou 0.

//PPS: Peripheral Pin Select: 
    RC4PPS = 0x0F;   //RC4->EUSART1:TX1;
    RX1DTPPS = 0x15; //00010101  //RC5->EUSART1:RX1;
    ADACTPPS = 0x12;   //RC2->ADC:ADCACT; TESTAR! ???

The AN5 input has been working well, but the AN18 is behaving wrong, as if there was a pull-up raising this signal.
Does anyone have a tip to give about ADACTPPS in RC2 or how to correctly configure the AN18 in this pic?
I Select only libs Peripheral_Pin_Select and UART_Remappable.
When I select to lib ADC, work correctly. But, I prefer use my lib if possible.
Thank you very much for your valuable help.

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