mE Sample Programs - Posted to mE Teams

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mE Sample Programs - Posted to mE Teams

#1 Post by HowardJ » 02 Feb 2017 06:37

I rarely come into the forum as a write, but I read many posts.
Some years back, I wrote on this subject, and at the time, didn't get a response.
Me has developed over the years, and it has earned (deservedly) a place in the Professional Engineering fraternity. However, mE still claims to cater for the amateur, or hobby, programmers and project builders in the world. Just how many of wither, I don't know.
As an amateur hobbyist, I am often frustrated by mE's efforts to explain their products. This may not be a high priority, as I guess the function of the me developers is to see products, not waste time explaining them to mere hobbyists.
With this in mind, may I make the following observations, using ConnectEve as a prime example.
I bought a couple of ConnectEves, some time ago. I never got it to work, as I had no idea what was required. I re-visited, and met with the same failure.
I quote the following from the Web page for ConnectEve.
"ConnectEVE brings fast and visually stunning graphics even to 8-bit MCUs with little Flash and RAM. It’s state-of-the-art FT800 graphics controller integrates display, audio and touch onto a low cost, easy-to-use, single-chip solution. FT800/EVE has simple SPI interface with interrupt support and mono audio output. Provided IDC10 and 1x10 headers are used to connect it to your development boards or existing final designs."
"Easily create fantastic colorful graphical user interfaces (GUI) for ConnectEVE in VisualTFT software. Even total beginners will be able to create amazing TFT-based applications."
""ConnectEVE brings fast and visually stunning graphics even to 8-bit MCUs with little Flash and RAM" and "Even total beginners will be able to create amazing TFT-based applications."
The sample provided for the total beginners, with 8-bit MCUs?
A 32 bit, complicated calculator, for a 32 bit Development Board!!!!!!!!!!!
What possessed anyone at mE to think that the sample program provided, came anywhere near these two statements?
What I would like, is a simple program, that generates simple graphics with a simple MCU. Just start it, draw a few lines and text. I can then go from there, investigate and learn gradually, further my knowledge, and expand as I go.
This sample does NONE of that. I am expected to buy a 32 bit Development Board, a 32 bit MCU, and start at the top and work my way down.
No offense, but this is nonsense.
If mE doesn't wish to provide for the hobbyist, then that's fine, but don't say what you don't mean.

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Re: mE Sample Programs - Posted to mE Teams

#2 Post by danilo.milovic » 02 Feb 2017 16:55


I'm sorry if you feel decieved in any way, please tell me what 8 bit MCU (that is supported in our compiler) are you using and I will be more than happy to make simple example for connectEVE for your desired MCU.

I will provide explanation what are the steps for your first Hello World program with VTFT and conectEVE.



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Re: mE Sample Programs - Posted to mE Teams

#3 Post by HowardJ » 03 Feb 2017 03:23

Thank you for your reply, Danilo.
As I said, if a project can be started at really low level, than it can be expanded at any time.
I just want the thing to start, and then whenever I do something that stops it, I can go back.
I cannot say I feel "deceived", just disappointment.

My apologies for berating the subject, but a single, 32bit sample, and no other, for an 8bit capable device is just silly.

I'm not an absolute dummy, but my limited C skills are self taught - almost exclusively via mE over quite a few years. My first post was in 2010, so I have been using mE products from at least then. Before I found mE, I wrote in Assembly, starting around 2000.
None of this was for commercial purposes, except for a few small projects for friends and associates.

A "Hello world" on a Connecteve would be a great start. A few graphical lines or borders would be good too.
Please write in one Source file, with maybe a couple of header files for declarations etc.
Basically, any 8 bit processor similar to PIC18F2050 family would be ideal.
I have two EasyPIC V7 development Boards, and an EasyPIC6.
I own licenses for MicroC PRO and Visual TFT, although I haven't used this one much, if at all, and I would like to!
I have downloaded and installed the FT800 Library.
Thank you again,

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Re: mE Sample Programs - Posted to mE Teams

#4 Post by HowardJ » 03 Feb 2017 03:55

As I said, I haven't used my Visual TFT for some time, and in fact, it is not installed on this computer.
The license I have is a USB Dongle.
I downloaded the latest version. I do not see in "Activate License" anything about the Dongle.
I assume it will just work automatically, as does my MicroC PRO dongle?

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Re: mE Sample Programs - Posted to mE Teams

#5 Post by danilo.milovic » 07 Feb 2017 11:10


in the attach I am sending you simple project for PIC18f4550, with two buttons changing screen when pressed. In the code you will find how to connect ConnectEVE with your Easypic7 board.
As for licence your USB dongle should work. If you have anymore question feel free to ask them.


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Re: mE Sample Programs - Posted to mE Teams

#6 Post by HowardJ » 08 Feb 2017 07:08

Dear Danilo,
Excellent! This worked straight away.
Now I have a starting point for some hours of experimenting and learning.
Thank you so much.

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