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For GLCD + GLCD-Font ASCII characters beyond the limit

Posted: 08 Oct 2020 03:34
by chris11jed
I wish I could do this;

Code: Select all

Glcd_Set_Font(@Character8x7, 8, 7, 32)    
Glcd_Write_Text("°",  48, 1, 2)  

...and there is a degree-symbol.

That is, the font supplied with the GLCD isn't limited to what's shaded in blue on the Tools -> Ascii Chart

To make the GLCD display a simple Degree Symbol has got to be the most difficult and frustratingly annoying thing, if not impossible.

And I have no idea why this is the case when ME sells temperature sensing equipment :roll:

Re: For GLCD + GLCD-Font ASCII characters beyond the limit

Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:33
by filip

The degree symbol is on the 248th place in this font, you may write it as :

Code: Select all

Glcd_Write_Char(248,  48, 1, 2)
You may see other character positions like this :

Code: Select all

dim i as word
dim txt as string[5]
for i = 0 to 1023
  Glcd_Write_Char(i,  48, 1, 2)
  WordToStr(i, txt)
  Glcd_Write_Text(txt,  60, 1, 2)
next i
The font is defined in the Glcd library for which we don't share the source code due to the company's policy.


Re: For GLCD + GLCD-Font ASCII characters beyond the limit

Posted: 08 Oct 2020 09:47
by chris11jed
Hi Filip

Just gave the code a run. And it works well.

Thank you for your time and for your reply.

Chris :D