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V.7.6.0 with Codegrip and easyPIC v8 New Projects don´t work

Posted: 12 Apr 2020 16:04
by pausmi
Hello I am a newbie making my first steps with programming of PIC´s.
Doing the examples everthing works fine. Creating a new project there is no step 4, asking for libraries, Adding the needed libraries (for example Button in the Button example) I can build the project without failure. Programing is possible after setting programmer/Debugger options in the Tools Meue to Codegrip. The green working bar appears and then the message Compiled\Programmed. But nothing happens on the easyPIC board.
Closing my project and opening the button example again I can can reload it to the easyPIC board and it works fine.
Is there any additional library I have to add or an additional setting that has to be done?

Re: V.7.6.0 with Codegrip and easyPIC v8 New Projects don´t work

Posted: 15 Apr 2020 14:47
by jovana.medakovic

Please try running the IDE as administrator.
Also, make sure that your clock settings are OK. Open the Edit Project window by pressing Ctrl + Shift + E and check your clock settings.

Kind regards,

Re: V.7.6.0 with Codegrip and easyPIC v8 New Projects don´t work

Posted: 17 Apr 2020 17:28
by pausmi
I am runnig the IDE as admin and the MCU Clock is set to 32000000 MHz as in the example. I have reinstalled the IDE but still the fourth step (Libraries) is missing in the New Project wizard.
Best regards

Re: V.7.6.0 with Codegrip and easyPIC v8 New Projects don´t work

Posted: 21 Apr 2020 12:24
by jovana.medakovic
Hi Peter,

In the latest version of the compiler, there is no more step 4 (adding libraries) when you create a new project.
You can include the libraries after creating the project.

Kind regards,

Re: V.7.6.0 with Codegrip and easyPIC v8 New Projects don´t work

Posted: 07 Aug 2022 23:19
by RDubs12

I am having the same issue. Example code runs perfect. If I create a new project and copy the example code to it, nothing happens when I upload it to the EasyPIC V8. Any help would be appreciated.

Re: V.7.6.0 with Codegrip and easyPIC v8 New Projects don´t work

Posted: 08 Aug 2022 23:16
by RDubs12
I figured out what is causing the issue, but I do not understand why. I noticed that the Configuration Registers were different in the example. I saved them and loaded them into the new project and everything worked as expected.

I am new to all of this so can someone explain to me what the Configuration Registers are and why they were not set properly when I chose the MCU?

Re: V.7.6.0 with Codegrip and easyPIC v8 New Projects don´t work

Posted: 12 Aug 2022 08:09
by filip

Configuration registers are used the configure the target MCU essentials - like clock, watchdog, etc.

Here is an official explanation from the Microchip : ... 31027a.pdf
