
Post your requests and ideas on the future development of mikroC PRO for PIC.
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Joined: 17 Jan 2008 19:32
Location: Venezuela


#1 Post by alejandroflamerich » 06 May 2010 19:45

1.- RAM viewer statistis show all ram that is declared on the programs even if the program doesnt use it. It will be great if wont show this varibles in order to detect some problems in our software

2.- Ethernet library give some troubles. If you ping forever like command ping IPADDRESS -t your ethernet card it start to work unstable. Ping response late some times takes some seconds.

3.- The arp rutine return some times numers diferents to 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 when the ip address doesnt exist.

4- Indirect Addressing to functions that are in a sector memory after 0xFFFF doesnt work.

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