mikroPascal PRO for PIC 2009 v2.15 has been released

Beta Testing discussion on mikroPascal PRO for PIC.
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mikroElektronika team
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mikroPascal PRO for PIC 2009 v2.15 has been released

#1 Post by marko » 03 Jun 2009 15:42

mikroPascal PRO for PIC 2009 version 2.15 has been released. You can find the version at the address:


The list of improvements includes:

Code: Select all

IDE build 2.15
cmd line build 2.15
- Compiler
  - Additional chips supported:
      P18F13K50  P18F46J50  P18LF45J11
      P18F14K50  P18F66J90  P18LF45J50
      P18F23K20  P18F67J90  P18LF46J11
      P18F24J11  P18F86J90  P18LF46J50
      P18F24J50  P18F87J90
      P18F25J11  P18LF13K50
      P18F25J50  P18LF14K50
      P18F26J11  P18LF24J11
      P18F26J50  P18LF24J50
      P18F43K20  P18LF25J11
      P18F44J11  P18LF25J50
      P18F44J50  P18LF26J11
      P18F45J11  P18LF26J50
      P18F45J50  P18LF44J11
      P18F46J11  P18LF44J50
  - Improved: Def files for P18 family CCPR1 and ECCPR1 declared as 16bit registers
  - Improved: Interrupt vector table does not contain GOTO if it is not needed
  - Fixed bug: Long as indirect operand in (+,-) for p16 family
  - Fixed Bug: Bitwise not of byte assigment to bit
  - Fixed bug: Bad hex generated if code goes over 64kb in certain cases
  - Fixed bug: Interrupt and code size over 2k corrupts interrupt vector table (p16 family)
  - Fixed bug: I2C1_Init and I2C2_Init swapped calls
  - Fixed bug: Setting page for absolute routines p16 family
  - Fixed bug: Reentrancy routines and bank setting

  - New: Active comments (web links as acitve sections in comments) added to editor
  - New: web links node added to code explorer
  - New: Quick convertor added and improved
  - Fixed: IDE Error when deleting lines above breakpoint
  - Improved: HID Terminal
  - Improved: Watch values status bar shows simulation time in us/ms
  - Improved: Enhancement of IDE styles set
  - Improved: Asm files added for all source files in Project Manager window
  - Improved: Print preview added, print options problem solved
  - Improved: Code Assistant display improvement for local declarations 
  - Improved: Find In FIles (file extension filter)
  - Fixed Bug: Fast scrolling device name combo box in Project Settings window problem
  - Fixed Bug: Add/Remove files, right click does not mark selection in Project Manager window
  - Fixed Bug: Starting simulator if project is built for different family
  - Fixed Bug: Ascii table "&" sign problem
  - Fixed Bug: Breakpoints do not take effect unless Breakpoint Window is visible
  - Fixed Bug: Simulator and return from interrupt problem
  - Fixed Bug: Simulation of pop and mov to PCL register
  - Fixed Bug: Simulation of POSTINC2
You can download it here.

Best Regards.

mikroElektronika Team
"Good ideas are not complicated, they are
complex, but we are making it easy !!!"


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