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mikroPascal PRO for AVR 2009 v1.50 has been released

Posted: 26 May 2009 10:44
by marko
We have improved compiler and IDE, added new MCUs, solved all reported bugs and problems.
Many of our user's sugestions and solutions are included in this release. We introduced active comments,
now you can place active weblinks in your comments. This version is much more stable and we hope it will
satisfy your needs and expectations.

The list of improvements includes:

Code: Select all

IDE build 1.50
cmd line build 1.80 
  - New: Active comments (web links as active sections in comments) added to editor 
  - New: web links node added to code explorer 
  - New: Qconverter added and improved
  - New: Caller tree added to statistics 
  - New: Project Clean option added
  - Improved: Project group handling 
  - Improved: All bugs from official bug list fixed 
  - Improved: Debugger Watch List agregates handling 
  - Improved: Statistics
  - Improved: Find in files
  - Improved: Shell open for files in Project Manager
  - Improved: Auto Complete
  - Improved: Auto Correct
  - Improved: Project Open
  - Improved: Delays simulation speed increased
  - Fixed: Breakpoints do not take effect in certain cases
  - Fixed: Watch window does not highlight changes in array/structure elements
  - Fixed: Local vars not shown in Code Explorer in some cases
  - Fixed: Editor does not get focus after error is detected during compile
  - Changed: Project group extension changed from *.mpgroup to *.mpavgroup
  - Changed: New Project Wizard (all libraries checked option added)
- Compiler:
  - Additional chips supported:     
      ATmega164PA    ATmega64A    ATtiny44A     
      ATmega16A      ATmega64C1   
      ATmega16U4     ATmega64M1   
      ATmega324PA    ATmega88PA   
      ATmega32A      ATtiny13A    
      ATmega32U6     ATtiny24A    
      ATmega48PA     ATtiny43U       
  - New: Stack overflow detection added to linker    
  - New: Remapping local varibales to working register optimization
  - New: Advanced Examples for SpiEthernet Library   
  - Improved: Compress Calls late linkage optimization 
  - Improved: Sbit position can be any simple type constant (not just literals)
  - Fixed: Uart_init_Advanced  
  - Fixed: Interrupt context saving for registers  
  - Fixed: Added Libraries for devices with register in eio space 
  - Fixed: Intterupts within Handler table 
  - Fixed: Interrupt epilog bug for devices with Flash size over 2kb and without JMP 
  - Fixed: All bugs from official bug list
  - Fixed: Stack overflow in some situations (registers were PUSHed on function frame, but not POPed)
  - Fixed: Absolute on variable address
  - Fixed: Reads/Writes of complex types by reference in function definition to object (.mcl) files. 
- Help:
  - Updated library reference
You can download it here.

Best Regards.

mikroElektronika Team