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Copy and Paste

Posted: 12 Dec 2008 21:03
by LJStefan
Hi ME-Team,

I think there is a little bug in the copy and paste feature of the IDE.

When you select two lines (from the left edge) and paste it then
you get one line behind the other line ;-)

This is verry bad when you copy some code lines.

In the old IDE you don't have this problem

Also some times is the first charatcer missing after paste a procedure
example :
when you copy a complete procedure and paste it the you get

Best regards

Posted: 13 Dec 2008 21:24
by FanDjango
I think this has been reported already:

Posted: 14 Dec 2008 01:10
by LJStefan
:roll: Sorry i have not seen it ..... :roll:

Posted: 16 Dec 2008 13:42
by zristic
The bug is linked to code folding feature, we have to live with it for some time. :oops: Sorry, it bothers us as well, but it needs a thorough analysis of the problem before we fix it.

Thanks for understanding.