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Posted: 22 Mar 2007 13:55
by mindik
Can anybody generate def files for the 16F57 please? This PIC would be a great replacement for the STAMP2.


Posted: 15 Jul 2008 15:35
by cnurettin
16F57 is the cheapest microcontroller . But mikropascal and mikrobasic doesn't have 16f57 and 16f54 and 16f59 . does anybody know that why?

Posted: 16 Jul 2008 08:39
by marko.ziv
But mikroPascal and mikroBasic doesn't have 16f57 and 16f54 and 16f59 . does anybody know that why?
This is also true for mikroC, and the reason is that 16F5X family of MCU have 12-bit wide instructions.
Our compilers support MCUs with 14-bit wide instructions set and up. Our PICFlash software supports this family of MCUs.

Best Regards