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mikroPascal for dsPIC 5.0

Posted: 16 Feb 2007 17:36
by zristic
Hello Beta Testers!

After some time, we are back to testing new releases. This time it is mikroPascal for dsPIC that is actual.
The target release v.5.0 is actually the one that will be officially released on Monday, but we would like you to take a fast look at what we've done and to report errors/wishes/bugs/impressions.

V.5.0 is a kind of a beta release, because very soon after it we will release v. 6.0 with mikroICD support for all P30/P33/P24 chips which is something we've been waiting for so long.

Therefore, consider the testing seriously, because we want the version 6.0 to be as stable as possible.

The download link: ... (7.7MB)

Finally, let's prove that the Beta testing section has a meaning, there are some (evil) voices that claim we should turn off this part of the forum. :?

Here is the list of what is new:
v. (2006-02-19)
- Support for new chips:
  • - p24FJ128GA006,p24FJ128GA008,p24FJ128GA010,p24FJ32GA002,p24FJ32GA004,
    - Configuration words revision and update
- Library updates
  • - Flash memory access library adjustment
    - ADC library adjustment
    - Added Serial_LCD, Serial_LCD8 and Serial_T6963 libraries
    - Can, CanSpi Library fixes
    - Serial ethernet library change and adjustment
    - I2C ethernet library change and adjustment
    - Port expander library adjustment, device address parameter relocated in init function
    - Fixed problem with color parameter in Toshiba GLCD T6963 library
    - Fixed problem in StrToInt function
    - Motor control PWM lib adjustment
    - RS485 library adjustment
    - SoftUart library adjustment
    - SPI library adjustment
    - UART library adjustment
    - Removed "P30" subfolder from "Uses" folder
    - Adjusted delay functions for P24 and P30
    - Fixed SPI initialization issues in MMC lib.
    - Fixed slow write in MMC_Write
    - Fixed MMC_Init to suite most MMC/SD card models
- Examples rearranged
- Compiler
  • - Fixed bug with ZE instruction in asm, when using the @ operator for arrays
    - ZE instruction not used by code generator anymore
    - DO instruction excluded for P24 family
    - Fixed for loop when a function is called for the upper limit count
    - Assignment to for loop variable detected and dissalowed
    - Fixed accessing const array element with const index
    - Fixed duplicated assembly label error
- Simulator
  • - Fixed false positioning of current line indicator
    - Fixed even addresses for record elements
    - Fixed padding for record elements with odd alignment
- IDE enhancements and fixes
  • - Code to HTML exporter
    - Customized block comments
    - Fixed "Save Project As...". It now copies the main project file as well
    - Added new shortcuts:
    - Build all - Builds all units used by project
    - Compile and program - Starts the programmer if successfully compiled
    - Find in files and Grep search
    - Toggle line comment
    - Extended search engine: Find in files feature
    - Auto correct option corrects character case according to declaration
    - Fixed copy text option in the Watch Window
    - Fixed code explorer issues when adding constant strings in declaration
- Updated PICFLASH programmer, added option to close after programming
- Added support for lv33/24 programmer

Posted: 16 Feb 2007 17:47
by jpc
oh boys, what a surprise ! weekend will be too short this way!

Posted: 16 Feb 2007 17:54
by anton
Hi mikroElektronika team,

Thank you for a new version. Busy downloading....

Lets do some testing :)


Posted: 16 Feb 2007 20:54
by piort
i try to test this beta version with explorer 16 and icd2 programmer from microchip ( the lv33/24 board isnt in sale so i have to test with what i have on hand 8) ) and i have some prob... someone succes to program MP hex file with MPlab7.5 ???

thx for any tips :wink:

btw i want to test this version with the 24fj128ga010 and the 33fj256gp710 :-)

Posted: 17 Feb 2007 04:46
by piort
NM.. i found it )))

happy coding gang for this W-E :wink:

Posted: 17 Feb 2007 07:37
by anton

I opened up a few examples, compiled them and ran them. Looks good, but where is the FFT example? :)

1. With the ENC_Ethernet example I get the following errors when I try to compile:
0:0 E-0 Linker error: Redefined: WBMCMD __lib_enc_basic_p30b.dpas
0:0 E-0 Linker error: Redefined: RBMCMD __lib_enc_basic_p30b.dpas
2. The setjmp and longjmp functions are really useful. Thank you

3. When starting the filter tool, it doesn't start in the center of the screen, but all the way down in the right corner.

4. So far it looks good. I just got one time that the compiler told me "List out of bounds" or something like that, but then i ran my registration key again and the problem disappeared.


Re: mikroPascal for dsPIC 5.0

Posted: 21 Feb 2007 14:50
by janni
zristic wrote: there are some (evil) voices that claim we should turn off this part of the forum. :?
Let me guess - the nice people from management again :wink: ? Your sales must go really well that such attitude survives.

P.S. We'll see mP beta real soon now?