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Easy Avr 5 Issues

Posted: 11 Jul 2008 15:20
by thehuddo
Hey People im only new to the forum and micro processors and after a while of looking no one seemed to have the same problems so here it is -

When I performed the LED Curtain Test - LED PA4 remained lit, i manually cleared all ports and LED PA4 remained Lit. I did the flashing test and all LEDs except PA4 extinguished, do you think this is a code problem or hardware?

Second issue - I got the LCD to work fine but the examples for the GLCD do not work, is this because they are for easy avr 4 or are there switches im not making....the manual doesn't seem to match whats on the avr5 board!

Any Assistance is greatly appreciated
Chris Chambers

Posted: 12 Jul 2008 02:02
by thehuddo
Mission 1 accomplished GLCD works fine, just for anyone else with AVR 5 this is the init Glcd_Init(PORTD, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 6, PORTC).

I am still having the problem with a single LED always on! Switch 6 turn it off but that turns off the whole port A.[/code]