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NECTO 5.0.1 compiling program issues

Posted: 17 Nov 2023 02:24
by drthth
Hi All,

I wrote a program for the "Mikromedia 5 for STM32F4 Capacitive FPI with bezel" with NECTO 3.0.0 and after some changes and developments it runs smoothly. Now I updated first to NECTO 4.0.0, then to 5.0.0 and last to 5.0.1 but with all these versions I get some strange error messages like:
error: Can't open include file "scr_RS485_to_USB_screen.h" #include "scr_RS485_to_USB_screen.h" 1 error in preprocessor.
Converted \ to /
File 'C:\Users\drtht\Documents\MIKROE\Projects\Woodpecker-1_Display-test\build-ARM 10Mbd half-freq\generated\scr_RS485_to_USB_screen.c' not found
Converted \ to /
and there is no way to find the reason for this error. In all the files there is no use of \ and the compiler doesn't jump to the error locations. One way I could solve this was by copying these two files again manually from the first installation and the second way was by removing the RS485_to_USB_screen completely from the list and generate a new screen with a different name but same functionality.
After doing this i could compile, download and run the program but on some screens few labels are overwritten or displayed wrongly and two calls of change to another screen even get totally stuck.
I changed back to NECTO 3.0.0 (luckily I had it not delayed from the second laptop because it is not possible to install it again !!!!) and everything works fine even with the newly changed version of my program.

What is wrong? Are there some settings I must change from NECTO 3.0.0 to 5.0.1? Is it possible to change compiler settings? How can I find out what is wrong?

Any help is highly appreciated because I would like to change to 5.0.1 and later versions because they are much faster but this way I can not.
Thank you.

P.S. I do not attach my program because the full directory is 12MB. If someone needs the data he should please tell me which files he need to replicate the problem.

Re: NECTO 5.0.1 compiling program issues

Posted: 17 Nov 2023 16:11
by IvanJeremic

Can you send me your project, so i can take a look?



Re: NECTO 5.0.1 compiling program issues

Posted: 24 Nov 2023 06:25
by drthth
Hi Ivan,

I send you the whole subdirectory with all of the files. I hope you can give me an advice what is wrong with my settings. Why I can work fine with NECTO 3.0.0 but not with the later versions.

Best regards and thank you

Re: NECTO 5.0.1 compiling program issues

Posted: 27 Nov 2023 12:21
by IvanJeremic

I have taken a look into it and the issue is that the designer in Necto Studio is not backwards compatible, so older projects won't work with newer version of the compiler.

I have forwarded this issue to the developers so they can take a look into the issue.

Sorry for the inconvenience.



Re: NECTO 5.0.1 compiling program issues

Posted: 29 Nov 2023 03:00
by drthth
Hi Ivan,

thank you for the answer (even if it was not :-( what I hoped).
In the meantime I tried to search deeper for the reason of my problem and I found a bug which may be related.
With the NECTO 3.0.0 if I define a label in the graphic interface as "static" and I assign later in my program a new text to this label the compiler says "Assigning to non-value" and will not finish the compilation. But with the NECTO 5.0.x I got no error message and the text will just change. Another difference is, that in NECTO 5.0.x even if I can set a label to active I can not assign any action.

However, these problems by changing to a new program version are quite common. That's the reason why it MUST always be possible to change back to a previous version.

Why this possibility is not provided for NECTO?? If I would not have accidentally saved NECTO 3.0.0 to another laptop I would be complete blocked.

Best regards

Re: NECTO 5.0.1 compiling program issues

Posted: 29 Nov 2023 09:01
by IvanJeremic

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your input.

I have notified the developers of all the issues you have forwarded.

Necto Studio does not have a downgrade option but i have attached a link with the 3.0 version of Necto below so you can use it on other PCs if you want. ... e.exe/file



Re: NECTO 5.0.1 compiling program issues

Posted: 06 Dec 2023 01:36
by drthth
Hi Ivan,

thank you for the link. This helps me a lot.

Best regards

Re: NECTO 5.0.1 compiling program issues

Posted: 12 Jan 2024 12:07
by IvanJeremic

I have attached a working example.
(8.54 MiB) Downloaded 17 times
I have tested it with Necto Studio 5.0.1.

Some of the screens had their names changed so Necto couldn't find them.

