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Mini PIC32MZ Example

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 07:48
by siradr
Hello mikroe team,

I have just bought the MIni 32 MZ but i cannot find the example code for the board. Where is it located ? For mini32 there is example but not for MZ series.


Re: Mini PIC32MZ Example

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 11:55
by stefan.filipovic
Hi Adrian,

I've attached a simple example for MINI-32 PIC32MZ.

Kind regards,

Re: Mini PIC32MZ Example

Posted: 03 Sep 2020 16:03
by siradr
Hello Stefan,

Thanks for the code. I wonder why was it not posted on the webpage ? As this serve as a reference for building blocks for this mini32MZ.

I have tried the example code and i guess there is something wrong with the bootloader after downloading the code. It sometimes works but sometimes it does not. If it is working, for example the blinking LEDs, then when i press the reset button it enters the bootloader mode and exits then it will not run anymore.

I tried a number of times and this happen always. Is there an updated version of the bootloader ? The PIC32MZ is running hot and its normal for 252MHz speed but it will not execute the program properly after it exits bootloader mode.


Re: Mini PIC32MZ Example

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 10:15
by stefan.filipovic
Hi Adrian,

I believe the problem is related to the bootloader. Do you have an external programmer to reprogram the MCU with the latest bootloader hex file?

Kind regards,

Re: Mini PIC32MZ Example

Posted: 04 Sep 2020 16:55
by siradr
Hello Stefan,

Yes i guess it is related to bootloader. I have external programmer but is the latest firmware on the website ? Is it still valid or is there a newer version ?

On the mikroe website the bootloader is dated 26th July 2017 which i think it is very old one.


Re: Mini PIC32MZ Example

Posted: 07 Sep 2020 10:12
by stefan.filipovic
Hi Adrian,

Please try with the bootloader hex file from the attachment.

Kind regards,

Re: Mini PIC32MZ Example

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 01:52
by siradr
Hello Stefan,

The new bootloader works perfectly. I have tested it numerous times for 2 days without problems.

Could you share what has changed on the new bootloader and will it affect on how we program on this mini 32 MZ series ?

I notice previously the old bootloader is using ~170mA with just a simple blinking program and now the with the new bootloader is running lower at about ~135mA. Is it something to do with the oscillator ?

Thanks again.


Re: Mini PIC32MZ Example

Posted: 11 Sep 2020 15:31
by stefan.filipovic
Hi Adrian,

The only changes were in the clock settings. The clock for the bootloader is now set for 200 MHz MCU clock frequency.

Kind regards,

Re: Mini PIC32MZ Example

Posted: 15 Sep 2020 08:32
by siradr
Hello Stefan,

For the blinking code example the clock frequency is set at 252MHz. Do i need it to change to 200MHz for it to work properly ?


Re: Mini PIC32MZ Example

Posted: 15 Sep 2020 11:53
by stefan.filipovic
Hi Adrian,

Yes, you will need to set the MCU clock frequency at 200 MHz as the bootloader config bits will overwrite the ones from the hex that is being loaded using it.

Kind regards,