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MikroProg and MikroICD not working properly

Posted: 12 May 2021 19:47
by aperez_64
Hello everyone. I seem to be having this issue where I use the mikroProg ICD and when I step over the line "HID_Enable(&readbuff,&writebuff)" I get a windows notification saying "USB Device Not Recognized". Then the program counter jumps back to the start of my main function.

I'm working with PIC18F2550, mikroC PRO for PIC v.7.6.0, mikroProg Suite for PIC v2.70, mikroProg Firmware v2.11, and I have the Build Type set to "ICD Debug" and the Debugger set to "mikroICD"

I've attached screenshots of the snippet of code I'm referencing and my project's configuration. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

Re: MikroProg and MikroICD not working properly

Posted: 13 May 2021 13:03
by filip

Have you tried the default USB HID Example from the compiler ?
Does it behave in the same way ?


Re: MikroProg and MikroICD not working properly

Posted: 13 May 2021 19:41
by aperez_64
Just tried it, again I get the same Windows notification that my USB device is not recognized, but this time it happens after stepping over the "USB_Polling_Proc();" line. Just to be clear, my project is working fine when I'm not debugging. But there's some kind of issue going on with debugging so I can't debug effectively.