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For MIKROE Team STM32H743VI Wrong Clock Setings

Posted: 04 Apr 2022 08:47
by s_sergiu

I am not able, after many combinations and testings to make
the clock configuration working.
I use latest 6.2.0 version o0f MikroBasic.
I also applied the patches found in forum at MikroC Pro section:

The board I use is one commercial autopilot, STM32H743VI with 8Mhz external crystal.
The board is working properly with other firmware (betaflight/inav)
If I use other board (Nucleo STM32H743ZI) it is working properly.
I already renamed the ZI.mlk to VI.mlk changing inside file the name as well but
one simple led blinking program still keeps the LED On all time.
I suspect that is something wrong between STM32H743VI.mlk and MikroBasic .
Clock configuration file is the same I use for Nucleo, with crystal value adjusted accordingly (from 25 to 8Mhz)
Below is the program I used for test:

program MyProject

' Declarations section
Dim Led_Green as sbit at GPIOE_ODR.B4
' Main program

Led_Green = 1
Led_Green = 0

Any help is much appreciated.
Thank you,