Hello World help

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Hello World help

#1 Post by Vladivarius » 26 Jul 2021 18:44

Hi, this is my first time using your IDE, and I have trouble running the basic led blink example. I can't get any LED to light up, or any GPIO pins to go into output high mode(they stay in high impedance input mode).
The hardware I have is MCU CARD with STM32F427ZI, mounted on UNI CLIKER. I am using ST-LINK programmer, and powering the board with USB-C cable.
I compiled a program in another toolchain and when I write on the MCU using mikroProg everything works well, just like on any other STM32 MCU, and I am sure I figured out the correct pinout of UNI CLIKER because I can address the correct pins right - although addressing is not relevant since the example is supposed to turn on all the GPIO pins.
So to clarify what exactly I am doing:
1. Make a new project, go for 'Standard project'.
2. Select the correct MCU.
3. 16MHz. I do not open the configuration tool for the clock.
4. Copy the code from "mikroC PRO for ARM\Examples\ST\Development Systems\Fusion for STM32 v8\Led Blinking\LedBlinking.c" into a new file in my project.
5. Click 'Build and Program'.
6. The program is written to MCU, I also verify the flash contents.
7. Nothing happens on GPIO pins.

What am I doing wrong?
P.S. I tried tinkering with the clock config a lot but nothing helped. I am not very versatile in this since I always use automated tools to get the desired clocks. If you think it's mandatory to set them up and that default settings don't work, please give me a configuration that should work.

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Re: Hello World help

#2 Post by filip » 27 Jul 2021 10:37


Can you please try the example for the attachment and see if it works, it will toggle GPIO lines ?

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Re: Hello World help

#3 Post by Vladivarius » 27 Jul 2021 11:40

No, nothing happens. I ran my working program again and it still works, so it's definitely not a hardware problem. Specifically, I have one LED on PE14. My working program is using HAL, is there a template project for MikroC that uses HAL? It would be much easier for me to work with it.

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Re: Hello World help

#4 Post by filip » 28 Jul 2021 13:32


I believe you have opened a ticket on HelpDesk, so we will continue there.


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