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Font rendering

Posted: 03 Mar 2015 16:55
by timbobazza
I'm trying to get a Windows application to display text in the same way as my LCD display. I've used FontCreator to create the fonts for my LCD. For characters in the range 32 - 127, I can use SingleBitPerPixelFitGrid to get the exact same bit pattern as FontCreator. However, for Japanese characters the FontCreator rendering is much thinner and easier to read than any I can get with Windows. I have noticed however that Notepad renders the font the same as FontCreator, so you must be using a standard setting. Please could you tell me how you render the fonts? See attached image for an example of what I mean.

This image shows the rendering
This image shows the rendering
Font rendering.png (75.3 KiB) Viewed 5921 times

Re: Font rendering

Posted: 12 Mar 2015 16:16
by filip

We render the fonts according to the Microchip's Graphics Library, see this document : ... 01182c.pdf
