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I'm disappointed...

Posted: 11 Feb 2016 16:49
by Ls2

I'm writing this post because I'm a little disappointed with Visual GLCD. There're several common drivers that the software doesn't support, and whenever someone points this, the mikroElektronika staff replies that the request will be analyzed and that's all.
I think that the compatibility should be one of the great strengths of Visual GLCD. The program itself is very good, but if the software is not compatible with most of driver's his utility is compromised.

Anyway, I apologize for my poor english (it's not my native language) and I would like to say that I love the mikroElektronika products.

Re: I'm disappointed...

Posted: 12 Feb 2016 16:33
by lana.arsic

I'm glad to hear that you like our products.

I'm very sorry for the disappointment, but our developers working hard to accomplish the user's requests.
It is certainly in our plan to make Visual GLCD to support more controllers.

Please, can you tell me which controllers do you want Visual GLCD to support ?

Best regards,

Re: I'm disappointed...

Posted: 17 Feb 2016 14:58
by Ls2
Hi lana.arsic,

Normally, I don't find displays whose controller is supported by GLCD. For example, I easy find displays with ST7920 controller, but the GLCD doesn't support it.

Best regards,

Re: I'm disappointed...

Posted: 18 Feb 2016 18:13
by lana.arsic
Hi Leonardo,

I passed to our development team to add support for ST7920 controller.
They will add it as soon as possible according to their duties.

Best regards,

Re: I'm disappointed...

Posted: 09 Dec 2016 21:06
by Piper28
I would like PRO BASIC AVR compiler support for the Epson SED1565 control (datasheet attached). It is used for the Nokia 7110 monochrome LCD that is very popular with hobbyists and can be found on ebay for cheap. It is a serial input (SPI) and 96 x 64 pixels. There is plenty of code on the internet already. Maybe someone has already written a library for it?

Re: I'm disappointed...

Posted: 12 Dec 2016 19:05
by lana.arsic
Hi Piper28,

Welcome to the MikroE forum.

I have passed your suggestion to our development team for consideration.

Best regards,

Re: I'm disappointed...

Posted: 12 Dec 2016 19:50
by Lionel83
lana.arsic wrote: I passed to our development team to add support for ST7920 controller.
And in the same family, the ST7565 will be very useful (for MikroC on STM32) :D


Re: I'm disappointed...

Posted: 13 Dec 2016 13:09
by lana.arsic
Hi Lionel,

Suggestion for adding support for ST7565,
is already passed to our developers for consideration.

Best regards,

Re: I'm disappointed...

Posted: 17 Aug 2018 03:20
by giovaniolea
lana.arsic wrote:Hi Leonardo,

I passed to our development team to add support for ST7920 controller.
They will add it as soon as possible according to their duties.

Best regards,
Hi!, Is there any library or support for ST7920 controller nowadays?, I have been checking through many posts without a solution for users and I wonder if already exist any solution... :( :?

Re: I'm disappointed...

Posted: 20 Aug 2018 15:26
by filip.grujcic

Unfortunately, not yet.
I apologize for the inconvenience, will try to make this request as high priority with our developer team.

Kind regards,

Re: I'm disappointed...

Posted: 02 Jun 2019 19:35
by khayo
Hi!, Is there any library or support for ST7920 controller nowadays?

Re: I'm disappointed...

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 13:16
by petar.suknjaja
I'm afraid it's not supported.
Kind regards,
