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EasyPIC v7 for dsPIC30 released!

Posted: 14 Jun 2012 15:53
by anikolic
EasyPIC v7 for dsPIC30 released!


Equipped with on-board mikroProg™ debugger and programmer it supports every single dsPIC30 chip
in DIP packaging.

Dual power supply allows you to run both 3.3V and 5V peripherals.

Two mikroBUS™ sockets bring you the amazing flexibility of expanding your board functionality with
over 20 Click additional boards.

Display section features GLCD and LCD display connectors, as well as on-board 7-segment display.
Port pins are grouped along with related LEDs and push buttons, with additional tri-state DIP
switches for quickly setting pull-up or pull-down resistors on each pin. We provided three separate
connectors for each PORT, so connectivity is just amazing.

Board is rich with modules. It features RS-232 as well as USB-UART modules, CAN, ADC input
potentiometer, Serial EEPROM, Voltage Reference selection, Piezo Buzzer, sockets for DS1820
and LM35 temperature sensors, touchpanel controller, display backlight driver and more.

Rich set of documentation, as well as full set of examples for mikroC, mikroBasic and mikroPascal
compilers guarantee quick start and ease of use.

We have also prepared a set of great kits you might want to throw an eye on, and equip yourself
with the right tools.

EasyPIC v7 for dsPIC30 has a new fancy webpage with lots of useful information including image
gallery, and we invite you to go there and get to know the board that will bring your dsPIC30
development experience to a whole new level!

Yours sincerely,