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21 Great Visual GLCD Special Offer Kits Available

Posted: 30 Nov 2010 18:17
by marko
21 Great Visual GLCD Special Offer Kits Available


Great news for all of you GLCD users. We have prepared set of special offer kits for all of your favourite MCU architectures
including Development Boards, Compilers of your choice and Visual GLCD software.

You will save USD 80$, and with a single purchase you will be equipped with all the artillery you need for getting started
with building great GLCD GUIs.

We have carefully prepared 21 different kits, so you will definitely find one that suits you best, whether you are a beginner,
a skilled enthusiast or a professional.

21 Great Visual GLCD Special Offer Kits Available

Yours sincerely,
mikroElektronika Team