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Re: Announcing the development of LIBSTOCK - Your place for

Posted: 05 Aug 2011 21:29
by luca crotti
I think this is a very good job, mE team.
I Will add a fifth step, in which user should describe the hardware used (tor example, custom hw Vs. ME board, or simply if project can be tried out without speciali component.
For example: if you share some tcp/IP stack, make explicit if it is for pic, for encxxx etc band id protocol is USB, spi, iic.
Otherwise user Will be forced TO put this information in the project title .
If the library is for a commercial hw, it is useful to say it in a dedicated place.
I have a project which uses a fat-sd board, so i should declare that:

- communication is serial
- use external module
- module is commercial (so NOT ME, NOT DIY)
- to use code example you need this hardware (i mean that to use sw as it is, enable pin is not in the library mcl file, so you have to leave it like that)
- sw used is xxxxx version yyy should be evident

Re: Announcing the development of LIBSTOCK - Your place for

Posted: 06 Aug 2011 07:42
by stevenindon

just wanna check with you guys... does your FAT32 and TCP stack supports PIC32 compilers? Need these functions for PIC32 projects too. :)

Re: Announcing the development of LIBSTOCK - Your place for

Posted: 06 Aug 2011 12:18
by MiloVan
Hello stevenindon,

As a developer of FAT32 library for MMC/SD cards, let me assure you that FAT32 will be available on PIC32 for certain, and on all platforms with sufficient RAM.
I cannot say how much "sufficient" is just yet, though it is most likely that all platforms with at least 1.6kB of RAM will be able to enjoy the benefits of FAT32 file system.

My colleague Darko Jolic may have more elaborate answer for you regarding TCP stack. I am pretty sure the most of TCP stack development was actually conducted
on our MultiMedia Board for PIC32MX7, as he was working on an interesting example with web camera and this MMB.

Re: Announcing the development of LIBSTOCK - Your place for

Posted: 06 Aug 2011 12:23
by p.erasmus
Only mE can answer this 100% But I expect the Stack to include PIC32 :D

Re: Announcing the development of LIBSTOCK - Your place for

Posted: 07 Aug 2011 10:16
by stevenindon

This is awesome! Thanks for the info as i am a pic32 basicpro user and lots of application needed fat32. Thank you so much for making this a dream come true for those who usses pic32. By the way can the library be use with pic16?

As for tcpip, i really hope that it supports pic32. Simple question to your collegue. Why there is internet hardware on pic 32 and yet we need Lan8720a to drive ethernet?


Re: Announcing the development of LIBSTOCK - Your place for

Posted: 08 Aug 2011 09:23
by MiloVan

Thank you for your interest in the FAT32 library, and I am so glad that MikroE can be of service to you. PIC32 is really good
platform and, to be honest, my personal favorite.

As for PIC16 controllers - unfortunately, FAT32 it is not intended to be available for PIC16 platforms, due to RAM shortage.
I trust that, as far as I know at this point, all platforms with less than 1.6k RAM will not be able to benefit from this library.

If it is not so much of a hassle, I would like to invite all interested in FAT32 library to post their questions and suggestions to
FAT32 library for MMC/SD cards topic to avoid overcrowding this one, thank you.

Re: Announcing the development of LIBSTOCK - Your place for

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 00:08
by darko.jola
Hi stevenindon,

I just want to confirm that TCP stack supports PIC32 compilers. Support include three different libraries (for ENC624J600, ENC28J60 and internal PIC32 Ethernet module).

We need external, off-chip PHY (LAN8720), in order to implement a complete Ethernet support, regarding internal PIC32 Ethernet module do not have this layer.

Best regards,

Re: Announcing the development of LIBSTOCK - Your place for

Posted: 09 Aug 2011 09:33
by stevenindon

Sorry and thanks for the info.

These 2 months i really see so so much of positive exciting move by mikroe.. Ie 2 extra brilliant engineers to concentrate on creating libraries and we now even have a forum specially for libraries!

Very professional and Dynamic functions especially on fat32 and tcpip.

Great great work to all of you from mikroe. This gives me more reason to stay with you guys!


Re: Announcing the development of LIBSTOCK - Your place for

Posted: 18 Aug 2011 20:53
by Toley
Wow Libstock is online and it look really nice :D

Re: Announcing the development of LIBSTOCK - Your place for

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 09:34
by anikolic
Yes it is! :)


It was pre-launched last night, and it's now official!

Please read the official Forum announcement:

Best regards,

Re: Announcing the development of LIBSTOCK - Your place for

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 10:45
by sasa72
Today, 7zip is very popular, perhaps more than zip or rar, beside it often have much better compression.

It would be nice to support this archive type as well.

Re: Announcing the development of LIBSTOCK - Your place for

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 13:37
by CVMichael
sasa72 wrote:Today, 7zip is very popular...
What part of the planet ?

For me it's the first time to hear about it...

Re: Announcing the development of LIBSTOCK - Your place for

Posted: 19 Aug 2011 13:42
by sasa72
CVMichael wrote:What part of the planet ?

For me it's the first time to hear about it...
Are you a software programmer?

And you can search around why it is popular.

Re: Announcing the development of LIBSTOCK - Your place for

Posted: 25 Jul 2012 21:12
by Dany

There are more and more "development tools" available on Libstock (e.g. the Can Calculator -- see --, the Timer calculator, etc...).

Would it be not a good idea to make for this type of contributions a separate "Code Category" (e.g. "Development tools") ?

The existing categories refer all to some microcontroller type of application (PIC/dsPIC/etc.. libraries, projects, examples), except the "Other" category perhaps.

I have also a number of tools that I wanted to publish under libstock... but I could not find the right category.

I know that LibStock was developed originally for microcontroller libraries/projects etc (meaning: software executable on s microcontroller), but there are indeed some other types of contributions that could have a usefull place in LibStock.

Thanks in advance! :D

Re: Announcing the development of LIBSTOCK - Your place for

Posted: 26 Jul 2012 12:14
by anikolic
Yes, Dany, we have thought about it. Initially we just couldn't predict that PC applications will also be hosted on Libstock.
But the baby (Libstock) has grown :)

We will have a slight revision of Libstock website this fall, and the topic you mentioned will be a part of the revision.
We'll also make sure to have all those little tweaks and fixes that we have noticed to trouble users.

For now just post the application as it was "Other code".

Best regards,