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CLICK ADC 16 BUSY/RDY pin question

Posted: 27 Nov 2023 17:14
Hey all,

I hope this is the correct place for this question.
I'm learning about the I2C communication protocol using the ADC 16 Click board and my raspberry pi 4.
I can read and write to the registers using the I2C Frames shown in the TI datasheet of the processor on the click board.

I have done and verified the correct steps of getting the device in a specific mode (High Precision) and have set the correct clock speed.
However I cannot start communication as I cannot get the Click board to set the BUSY/RDY pin high.
I have to write to a start sequence register to set the pin high but sometimes it does go high for one clock cycle and sometimes it doesn't go high at all.
Could it be a pull up/pull down resistor problem? (the click uses 4.7k ohm and the GPIO pins of the pi about 50k ohm)
Or should I initialize something that I forgot?

Thank you in advance,

Re: CLICK ADC 16 BUSY/RDY pin question

Posted: 28 Nov 2023 08:37
by IvanJeremic

The RDY pin should go high on its own as the module configures its I2C address.

All we do with this pin in our example is initialise it as a digital input.

It could be that the resistor you mentioned is causing the problem.

I will investigate this further.

