Compilers Price are not realistic !

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Re: Compilers Price are not realistic !

#16 Post by MaGiK » 17 Oct 2013 06:42

Any comments would be more than welcome.
I apologize in advance for the people I'm going to disturb with this post.
You will feel a lot of inconvenience after reading this.

This idea is wonderful Aleksander, but I'm completely against it.
I know that's surprising, but here's why.

If MikroElektronika started to sell time-limited licenses, that will make cracking those compilers much easier.
Just think about the Microsoft office time-limited trail version which you get when you buy a computer.

Do you know that many people find it extremely easy to crack this one to have it become time-unlimited?
It's even easier to have someone crack it for you. That is if not the shops which sell the official versions have stopped selling those and started selling cracked versions because they're much cheaper and most people won't buy the official one in that case.

So, the idea is wonderful. It really is, but the consequences are terrible because cracking a time-limited program is much easier than cracking features-limited program.
I'm so sorry for knowing so much information about cracking, but it's true.

All I wanted to say is that the idea of the time-limited licenses is wonderful, and it will serve a lot of needs.
The guy who thought about it should be given a medal.

The only problem (which isn't small at all) is that cracked versions of your compilers will be even more available than they are now.
At that time, you'll depend only on the heart of your costumers to buy the official one, which is the worst idea in my opinion when it comes to my world.

For those who are wondering about my case, I'd like to say that I ordered the licenses and I'm still waiting for them.
I actually ordered the (TFT developer kit 3 PIC) although I couldn't get it at the discounted price.
You can know more about my issue from this post and its replies. ... 49#p223209

In the mean while, I'm using the demo version and the pre-compiled examples.
I'm proud to say that I've never used the cracked version. That's a really hard thing to say in my world.
At least 90% of those who use MikroC PRO in my world use cracked versions, and they're proud that they have recent cracked versions.

My apologies again for those whom I've disturbed. I really didn't mean to do it.

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Re: Compilers Price are not realistic !

#17 Post by MaGiK » 22 Oct 2013 10:07

Could someone from the support team ask Aleksander to post the question he asked here on a new topic?
That is of course, if he wanted to see more replies regarding his post.
Otherwise, I think he won't be receiving any other replies than mine.

It's because the forum members don't know about his question here regarding the time limited version of the compiler.
I would like to know what do other forum members think of the time-limited version.
By the way, Hazem seems to have left this forum a long time ago.

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Re: Compilers Price are not realistic !

#18 Post by anikolic » 22 Oct 2013 13:16

Hey there MaGiK,

This wasn't intended to be a global topic. I was just curious to hear Hazem's opinion.
Anyone else is welcome to participate, but it's not something I would like to draw a wider attention to.

We always evaluate our licensing models. Once we have a good solution, we'll get the word out and ask for community to give us heads up.

As for crackers - we strongly believe that if someone makes money by writing firmware in our compilers,
he/she would want to have a better improved compiler, with more libraries.
That's only possible if he/she contributes by buying a license.

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Re: Compilers Price are not realistic !

#19 Post by mr_anderson » 14 Feb 2014 04:16

First of all, the price that is set by MikroE is not different from the prices of the other companies, I advise you to check. On top of that I have been using MikroC since my Undergraduate days and I am very pleased with their products. I give it to the guys that, they are very fast in developing new products (especially the boards) and they are doing their best regarding the support. I am telling this because I have been using Mikro E for years now.

So lets be realistic, how many people are buying windows 7 and how many people are working on microcontrollers? of course this will help to bring your costs down.

In conclusion, I find the prices very reasonable and the product is nice.

That is my opinion.

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Re: Compilers Price are not realistic !

#20 Post by tpetar » 14 Feb 2014 09:16

mr_anderson wrote:... the price that is set by MikroE is not different from the prices of the other companies, ...

595USD......MPLAB XC8
495USD......MPLAB XC16
595USD......MPLAB XC32
995USD......MPLAB XC32 PRO
1445USD....MPLAB XC32++ PRO

249USD......MikroC Pro for PIC
249USD......MikroC Pro for dsPIC/PIC24
299USD......MikroC Pro for PIC32
249USD......MikroC Pro for AVR
249USD......MikroC Pro for 8051
299USD......MikroC Pro for ARM

199USD......MikroBasiC Pro for PIC

199USD......MikroPascal Pro for PIC

Owners of MikroE compiler licenses are entitled to free upgrades and free lifetime technical support for product.
Check other compilers upgrade prices, technical support prices,....

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Re: Compilers Price are not realistic !

#21 Post by Vladimir_C » 14 Feb 2014 10:01

The price is good.
Personally, I'm willing to pay more if the library will be open ...
As this will save time and understand what is happening in your programe
Many forums categorically do not recommend the use of compiler Mikroe, reason: Closed Libraries
Sorry for my english

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Re: Compilers Price are not realistic !

#22 Post by st5 » 14 Feb 2014 15:09

hazem000 wrote:...
2- The prices of your software are not realistic at all.
... why should I pay about 250 USD for license that I think It worth only 25 USD ?
My situation: I am a hobbyist + make my own personal home automation on PIC18F, I do 'Build and Program' less than 200 times a year.
(sometimes 20 times in 1 day and then a few weeks nothing)

I have no problem with paying the 250USD License I have for MikroC for PIC, happy with it.
The problem I have is that I can't play around with PIC32, AVR, or can't try a little MicroBasic-PIC example code that I found on the forum.

Most microcontrollers cost <10 euro, I want to explore everything, but I don't want to pay 7x3x250=5250 dollar for the licenses.
Even if making such such software is very expensive, I don't buy all licenses.
anikolic wrote: would you pay $25 USD for a 30-day license of mikroC?
What if we sold time-limited licenses? Pay just as much as you have been using it.
The license that would fit me personally best, is for example pay 250 dollar for the first, same as now.
Then pay 50 dollar extra for the bundle of all licenses, with a limit of say 500 total 'build and program' a year.

This would improve my knowledge, and bring 50 dollar more to the company.
There is no way that a hobbyist like me is ever going to pay 2 licenses.

What can MikroE not like in this solution? I don't understand.
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Re: Compilers Price are not realistic !

#23 Post by mr_anderson » 16 Feb 2014 02:23

Thank you tpetar for updating my information, I didn't want to sound un-realistic when I said MikroE prices are cheaper than the others so I said they are not different. U made the life easier in proving that MikroE prices are really lower than the other :) thx.

So from noting that MikroE provides: 1-lowest prices and the 2-life-time updates, the asking price of MikroE is really good and supportive.

Thx again for providing the prices. I think there is no doubt about it anymore beyond this point.


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Re: Compilers Price are not realistic !

#24 Post by myeeplacee » 18 Jul 2014 18:56

Typically in a free market you price your products at a level that the market will bear. Profit is a must for without profit you will fail.

I look for value in the purchases I make. Value cannot be determined by price alone. It is composed of many things including suitability of the product for the purpose intended. Company support when problems are encountered. Ease of use. Supporting documentation. Customer service. etc. etc. etc.

Speaking of value the following two experiences I recently had speak to value:

1.) I encountered a problem programming a specific PIC device with Mikro Basic Pro. I contacted customer service and the anomaly was solved beautifully. In that process I found the following employees of MikroElectronica to be very pleasant, efficient, supportive and knowledgeable in solving my problem, Srna Peric, Marina Petrovic and Petar Timotijevic. Their performance in solving my problem is indicative of their support from the supervisors, managers and others at the top of Mikroelectronica.

2.) I had a problem using a competitors compiler and I was told they do not offer customer support, and that I should visit their Forum for a resolution. That answer along with misleading sales information led me to request authorization to return the product for refund. My request was denied. I attempted to sell it on Ebay without success. I place little value on that purchase and look at the purchase price as an expensive lesson well learned.

I put ME on the top of my list of companies providing value.

As to cracked software, it is illegal and punishable by law where I live. Support is either non-existent or difficult to get and if everyone did this there would no software left to crack in the future.

Dennis Campbell
Troy, VA USA
Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.
It must be fought for, protected, and handed down for others to do the same, or one day we'll be
telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like, when men were free.

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