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mikroPascal PRO for dsPIC 4.80 beta released

Posted: 31 Mar 2011 14:41
by anikolic
mikroPascal PRO for dsPIC 4.80 beta released


New mikroPascal dsPIC/PIC24 4.80 beta compiler is released! And there are some pretty exciting stuff.
For the first time, we have introduced ICD as a separate DLL module, and enhanced ICD code drastically.
No more long waitings when you hit Step-over [F8], Step-into[F7] or Step-out[Ctrl+F8].
We have come up to recognize this attention so we can step over the function by placing a hardware breakpoint
to the next line of code, and execute the function cycles in live mode. It would be as if you ordered the ICD
to Run To Cursor (F4) over to the next line of code. We have also introduced Advanced Breakpoints,
so you can exploit the full potential of this new approach. You can now place as many breakpoints as you want,
but leave active only so many as there are hardware breakpoints available on your target MCU.
This way you can have an extremely fast debugging. This new approach is very powerful, but it still young,
not tested for a long time, and this is why it is very crucial that you participate in testing,
so we can have as much of your feedback as possible for the final release.

But this is not the only thing new. We have introduced Project Explorer,
a great new window for easier access to the examples and your projects. It uses fast recursion algorithms
for fast searching of your project files within folder tree. You'll get used to it quickly, and you'll love working with it.
At least we do. We have also upgraded our collection of libraries. We added Memory manager library,
so you'll be able to use dynamic memory allocation in your dsPIC projects.
With your help, we have tracked down and fixed some issues that caused crashing of IDE,
so you'll have a more stable environment to work in. We have increased the speed of reading MCL files even more,
so your compiler will load and compile more quickly. Take a look at what else is new:

Code: Select all

Ide build 4.80 BETA
cmd line build 4.80 BETA
- Compiler
  - New: Heap option added to compiler
  - Improved: Faster loading of mcl files
  - Improved: Faster Linker
  - Improved: Unused initialization images for local variables are not linked
  - Improved: Asm code can be written in the same line with a label
  - Improved: system function "__CCD2W" is linked only if it is used
  - Fixed: LST file lists only used global variables
  - Fixed: Different number of parameters in function definition and 
           in extern declaration cause linker crash in some cases
- Ide
  - New: Option	to select heap feature
  - New: Project Explorer
  - New: Shortcut CTRL + ALT + S (show Statistics) 
	- Improved: Search project files in Windows Explorer style
	- Improved: Add a project to project group by single mouse click
  - Improved: Search Paths Editor 
	     * Copy/Cut/Paste/Select All options for search paths editor
	     * Assigned shotcut CTRL + SHIFT + S
  - Improved: Statistics is no longer a "modal" window, but rather "stay on top"
  - Fixed: In some cases IDE freezes if MCU is changed in Project Settings
  - Fixed: IDE sends wrong command line to programmer if EEPROM file is included in project
  - Fixed: Visible Statistics are updated after build
  - Fixed: 32 bit icons fail to load on some graphic cards
- Libraries
  - New: Memory Manager library
  - Improved: UART Library, added generic routines which uses the active UART module
  - Improved: SPI Library, added generic routines which uses the active SPI module
  - Fixed: pow(x,y) function returned 0 for (0,0) and for x,y < 0
More information at the following address:

Thank you all.
mE Team